What is the smallest starter pellet for drug layering and coating?

Two weeks ago we created a poll with a high interaction rate in LinkedIn. The question was: “Pellets – How low can you go? What is the smallest size of starter pellets you can start drug loading and coating?“. The answer options were “500 micron”, “350 micron”, “200 micron” and “100 micron”.

There was a clear favorite: “100 micron” with 49% of the answers. This was followed by “200 micron” with 23%, “350 micron” with 14% and “500 micron” with 13% of the answers.

LI Poll about Cellets

But what does that mean?

  • An increasing number of people know about the offerings of micropellets
  • Nevertheless still over 50% seem not be aware of starter cores of below 200 micron or as small as 100 micron
  • The related discussion revealed challenges to handle very small particles by quite some of the participants

Some insights from the discussion:

Nearly 150 people from all over the world participated in the small poll. The main concern mentioned for drug layering and coating of very small particles such as pellets of 100 μm pellets is the electrostatic loading which can be easily handled applying the right process parameters. Not only electrostatic loading but also the influence of the specific surface is to be considered in the choice of the starter pellet size. As usual a balance between lowest particle size to achieve smallest final pellets vs the processing of such. Philippe Tschopp can gladly provide you with more information

To find the right pellet size in mesh or micron, have a look at the new mesh size calculator.

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