3D printing: Innovative solutions for patients and pharmaceutical industry

Three-dimensional (3D) printing is an emerging technology with great potential in pharmaceutical applications, providing innovative solutions for both patients and pharmaceutical industry. This technology offers precise construction of the structure of dosage forms and can benefit drug product design by providing versatile release modes to meet clinical needs and facilitating patient-centric treatment, such as personalized dosing, accommodate treatment of specific disease states or patient populations.

Utilization of 3D printing also facilitates digital drug product development and manufacturing. Development of 3D printing at early clinical stages and commercial scale pharmaceutical manufacturing has substantially advanced in recent years. In this review, we discuss how 3D printing accelerates early-stage drug development, including pre-clinical research and early phase human studies, and facilitates late-stage product manufacturing as well as how the technology can benefit patients. The advantages, current status, and challenges of employing 3D printing in large scale manufacturing and personalized dosing are introduced respectively. The considerations and efforts of regulatory agencies to address 3D printing technology are also discussed.

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Timothy Tracy, Lei Wu, Xin Liu, Senping Cheng, Xiaoling Li, 3D printing: Innovative solutions for patients and pharmaceutical industry, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 631, 2023, 122480, ISSN 0378-5173,

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