Wheat in pharmaceutical Excipients – which excipients are based on it – is it a gluten topic for patients?


How many wheat (derived) excipients contain wheat / wheat starch as apotential source of Gluten? Based on available information most of the excipients such as Sodium StarchGlycolate, Pregelatinized starch and native starches are based on corn and potato (starches) anyway.
But are thereexcipients used in pharmaceutical formulations based on wheat / wheat starch? If yes, what would be the average or maxium percentage in a dosage form? Many thanks for your input on this question tohopefully reduce fear of medicines as a “critical” source of Gluten. If you do not like to comment here, please send an email to [email protected]. Many thanks for your input!

wheat in excipients a gluten source?
Gluten as a expient topic?


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