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WITEPSOL® as a carrier of the “Green Rush”

Cannabis was banned almost everywhere on earth for nearly eight decades. But legalisation in many parts of the world triggered a boom in demand. In the meantime, the “green rush” has become a popular term, based on the “gold rush”. Cannabis is known mainly for its intoxicating effects, but it is…

White Paper: Refined Sesame Oil IV-1

SIO Presentation ADM-SIO, is a global manufacturer of injectable-grade pharmaceutical oils - used as API’s or excipients for oil-soluble drugs. We offer an extensive range of highly purified oils, derived from vegetable origins that meet all relevant pharmaceutical regulations and are…

Oil adsorption – The Interview with Fuji Chemical

Fuji Chemical Industries specializes in producing porous spray-dried excipients for the pharmaceutical and nutraceutical markets. They spray-dry their excipients to produce free-flowing granules and unique internal structures that enhance compressibility and functionality. These structures are ideal…