The Importance of Amorphous Stability: Mesoporous Silica for Poor Glass Formers – Webinar

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Manufacturing Strategies Webinar Series

The Importance of Amorphous Stability: Mesoporous Silica for Poor Glass Formers

This webinar will discuss the theory of amorphous stabilization followed by a discussion on mesoporous silica as an emerging approach for optimal stabilization of poor glass formers versus traditional polymeric ASDs.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • Why amorphous stability is a critical consideration in formulation development for poorly soluble compounds
  • How amorphous stablity can be assessed using the glass forming ability
  • Why poor glass former compounds can be challenging to formulate with traditional polymeric solid dispersions
  • How mesoporous silica can stabilize poor glass formers via nanoconfinement and reduction in molecular mobility

Have also a look at Opportunities for Successful Stabilization of Poor Glass-Forming Drugs


Daniel Joseph Price picture
Daniel Joseph Price

Daniel Joseph Price,

Technical Product Manager- Solubility Enhancement

Daniel Joseph Price is technical product manager for our portfolio of solubility enhancement and sustained release excipients. Prior to his current role, Daniel was a Marie Curie Fellow also in our company with a focus on amorphous formulations. Specifically, Daniel’s expertise lies in mesoporous silica and thermodynamics of amorphous formulations. Daniel has a background in medicinal chemistry and formulation and is on track to receive his PhD from Goethe University Frankfurt in early 2020.


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The life science business of Merck operates as MilliporeSigma in the U.S. and Canada.

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