In vivo drug delivery via contact lenses: The current state of the field from origins to present

Over the past half century, contact lenses have been investigated for their potential as drug delivery devices for ocular therapeutics. Hundreds of studies have been published in the pursuit of the most effective and efficient release strategies and methods for contact lens drug delivery.

This paper provides a thorough overview of the various contact lens drug delivery strategies, with a specific, comprehensive focus on in vivo studies that have been published since the field began in 1965. Significant accomplishments, current trends, as well as future strategies and directions are highlighted. In vivo study analysis provides a straightforward perspective and assessment of method success and commercialization potential in comparison to benchtop, in vitro studies. Analysis of the majority of published work indicates in vitro and in vivo studies do not correlate with a correlation coefficient of 0.25, with many in vitro studies grossly overestimating drug release duration and not showing appreciable drug release control.

However, there has been an increase in activity in the last decade, and some methods have generated promising results exhibiting controlled release with commercialization potential. Clinical translation of drug releasing lenses is on the horizon and has high potential to impact a large number of patients providing efficacious treatment compared to current topical treatments.

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Article information: Liana D. Wuchte, Stephen A. DiPasquale, Mark E. Byrne. In vivo drug delivery via contact lenses: The current state of the field from origins to present. Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology, Volume 63, 2021.

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