Drug-Excipient Interaction of Methylphenidate with Glycerin in Methylphenidate Oral Solution and Identification of its Transesterification Products by UPLC-MS/M

Reactions between active drug substances and excipients are of interest in the drug formulation process should be checked for the interactions during the storage conditions. Some excipients react with certain chemical groups in drug substances which will form new impurities in the finished product formulations. In the present paper transesterification reaction of methylphenidate with glycerin to form different structural isomeric products was described. These impurities identified in forced degradation studies, excipient compatibility studies and stability analysis of the finished product. Stability samples were analyzed and observed that about ~0.6% of the Methylphenidate content was transformed into methylphenidate-glycerin isomers within 3 Months at 40˚C/75% RH and 18 Months at 25˚C/60% RH conditions. Analysis of two lots of marketed preparations having expiry dates in 2012 and 2013 showed content of the Methylphenidate esters corresponding to ~0.6% of the declared Methylphenidate content. The samples of this impurity were investigated by HPLC, UPLC-MS/MS to generate the mechanism of the impurity formation.


Drug-Excipient Interaction of Methylphenidate with Glycerin in Methylphenidate Oral Solution and Identification of its Transesterification Products by UPLC-MS/MS
Hotha, K. , Roychowdhury, S. and Subramanian, V. (2016) Drug-Excipient Interaction of Methylphenidate with Glycerin in Methylphenidate Oral Solution and Identification of its Transesterification Products by UPLC-MS/MS. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 7, 151-164. doi: 10.4236/ajac.2016.72013.
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