EXCiPACT Pharmaceutical Excipients Certification Scheme – Free-to-Attend Seminar, DQS Office, Frankfurt, Germany, 25 November 2020

Brussels, 02 June 2020

EXCiPACT asbl is pleased to announce details of their free-to-attend seminar to be held in Frankfurt at DQS offices on Wednesday, 25 November 2020 with the following program:

09.45h Registration/Coffee
10.15h Welcome & Introduction – DQS Representative
10.20h Introduction to EXCiPACT Certification Scheme – EXCiPACT Representatives
Understanding of EU regulations for Pharma excipients
11.30h Coffee break
11.45h Outline of the EXCiPACT Certification Process – DQS Representative
12.15h Buffet Lunch Break
13.15h Case study on EXCiPACT Certification – Certified company representative
14.15h Pharma Company User Experience
15.15h Q & A session – all speakers
15.30h Close meeting

Typical participants would be QA Directors & Managers in excipient supplier companies and Heads of Supplier Qualification, Procurement Heads and Specialists in pharma companies.

Space in limited to 20 with one person per company.
To book your company’s free place, contact the EXCiPACT Secretariat on [email protected].
Final details will be sent to all registrants by 11 November 2020.

See the document as pdf: 20200602 EXCiPACT Scheme-Free to Attend Seminar-25 Nov 2020

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