Pharma Excipients

News on Pharma Excipients

World AIDS Day 2024

World AIDS Day takes place every year on 1st December and will be held for the 36th time in 2024. Aim is to raise awareness of the AIDS pandemic. It serves as a time to honor those who have passed, educate about the disease's ongoing effects, and unite in the fight to end the harmful stigma surrounding HIV/AIDS. The World AIDS Conference theme was…

Lipids for pharmaceutical applications from Merck

Lipids are the most commonly used delivery method for RNA therapeutics and vaccines, and lipid nanoparticles could prove a game changer for COVID-19 and many other diseases. Lipids for passive and active targeting Surface modification on…

FAQ about the EFSA decision on titanium dioxide (E171)

Lately, we've kept reporting on the latest TiO2 developments, from the 2019 ban in France, to the 2021 EFSA decision in food and feed. To clarify the basic questions about the EFSA decision on TiO2, we provide a titanium dioxide FAQ:…

See the overview of Parteck® Functional Excipients

When you design a solid dosage form, there are many factors to consider: the active ingredient, bioavailability enhancement, release kinetics, specific dosage, packaging, shelf life, and more. Our Parteck® excipients were designed with…