Pharma Excipients

News on Pharma Excipients

Introduction to 3D-printing

Dissertation by Ilias El Aita: Part 1 For years, patients were viewed as a homogeneous group and selected drug treatment was based on experience from clinical studies. Consequently, individual factors such as age, physiological condition…

New Kolliphor® P188 Bio from BASF

Parenteral grade surfactant designed for stabilizing biologic formulations Biologic formulations require the most stringent requirements to be met in order to ensure patient safety and the optimal performance of the drug. Poloxamer 188 has…

Excipient companies at PBP World Meeting 2021

11 - 14 May 2021 | Online Conference Due to the COVID crisis, the 12th World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology and its accompanying exhibition ResearchPharm® will be held online. A lot of our…

All excipient production sites with GMP certification

In the pharmaceutical world, the term GMP, or Good Manufacturing Practice, plays quite a big role. On this page, we explain what GMP stands for in general, and specifically for the pharmaceutical excipient industry. Moreover, it is shown…

Binders in Pharmaceutical Granulation

Binders or “granulating agents” are a critical formulation component in tablets made by direct compression, as well as dry, wet, and melt granulation, ensuring appropriate plasticity, compactibility, and binding ability. In wet granulation,…

Drug Substance and Excipient Characterization

Characterization of drug substances and excipients is a very important step at the preformulation phase of product development. Although testing will involve additional time and cost, failure to carry out the appropriate characterization…

World Asthma Day 2021

World Asthma Day (WAD) (May 5, 2021) is organized by the Global Initiative for Asthma, (GINA) (, a World Health Organization collaborative organization founded in 1993. WAD is held each May to raise awareness of Asthma…

InhaLac® 300 – new from MEGGLE

InhaLac® 300 - portfolio extension with a fine milled lactose grade InhaLac® 300 - a new inhalative lactose grade with specific particle size distribution is characterized by the typical flow- and surface-characteristic of fine milled…

Carbomer microgels as model yield-stress fluids

The review presents current research results for Carbopol-based microgels as yield-stress materials, covering three aspects: chemical, physical and rheological. Such a joint three-aspect study has no analog in the literature. The chemical…