Pharma Excipients

News on Pharma Excipients

World Immunization Week 2021

World Immunization Week – celebrated every year in the last week of April – aims to promote the use of vaccines to protect people of all ages against disease. Immunization saves millions of lives every year and is widely recognized as one…

Formulate and Evaluate Famciclovir Floating Tablets

Floating drug delivery system of famciclovir was developed to prolong gastric residence time, target stomach mucosa and increase drug bioavailability by using different polymers like HPMC E15, Xanthan gum, methyl cellulose and compritol 888…

Innovation in Tablet Disintegration Testing

Innovative bathless disintegration tester with automatic end-point detection. The bathless DT50 sets new standards in fast and user-friendly operation. Induction heating technology reduces heating times to only 3 - 5 minutes and…

galenIQ™ – Ask the expert! – Webinar recording

We had a webinar with the experts from BENEO to find out more on galenIQ™. See here some answers to the questions asked from participants of the webinar and have a look at the full webinar recording.  galenIQ™ is a soluble filler and…