Pharma Excipients

News on Pharma Excipients

Rapid prototyping of miniaturized powder mixing geometries

Continuous manufacturing is an important element of future manufacturing solutions enabling for both high product quality and streamlined development process. The increasing possibilities with computer simulations allow for innovating novel…

Bioadhesive Films as Drug Delivery Systems

Bioadhesive films are considered a novel drug delivery system that provides improved therapy and better patient compliance than conventional dosage forms. The type and concentration of polymer or the blend of polymers used are important…

Hydrogels in Hand Sanitizers

Hand hygiene can be considered a strategic key useful in the containment of infections such as COVID-19 both at home and in communities because it can dramatically reduce the widespread outbreak of infections. In case of the unavailability…

Roquette’s Video Blog: Ask the Experts

See the newest publication from Roquette's video blog here Ask the experts: "One way that biopharmaceutical manufacturers can keep up with demands in the industry, is by streamlining complex workflows. But to do this, they need innovative…

World Health Day

April 7 of each year marks the celebration of World Health Day. From its inception at the First Health Assembly in 1948 and since taking effect in 1950, the celebration has aimed to create awareness of a specific health theme to highlight a…