Pharma Excipients

News on Pharma Excipients

Versatile Use of Chitosan and Hyaluronan in Medicine

Chitosan is industrially acquired by the alkaline N-deacetylation of chitin. Chitin belongs to the β-N-acetyl-glucosamine polymers, providing structure, contrary to α-polymers, which provide food and energy. Another β-polymer providing…

Lipid excipients to unlock oral bioavailability issues

Many active pharmaceutical ingredients have poor water-solubility and/or low permeability, leading to bioavailability issues. Lipid-based formulation (LBF) is a well-known strategy to overcome these hurdles and increase in vivo drug…

Understanding the nanotechnology in COVID-19 vaccines

By Rumiana Tenchov, Information Scientist, CAS Posted February 18, 2021 Lipid nanoparticles are a vital component of the new Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, playing a key role in protecting and transporting the mRNA…

Measuring Saturation Solubility in Lipid Excipients

Obtaining solubility data in a sufficiently broad range of lipid excipients is the first step towards the development of a lipid-based formulation. Solubility is an indication of expected drug load and performance of the formulation.…