Pharma Excipients

News on Pharma Excipients

Top 1000 Pharma Companies in 2020

As the world looks towards the pharmaceutical industry in the hope of a vaccine that could put an end to the pandemic caused by the novel coronavirus, investment bank Torreya has brought out an interesting report on the top 1000 global…

Applications of Polymers in Gastric Drug Delivery

Gastroretentive drug delivery system (GRDDS) is one of the key research areas in focus due to its ability to improve therapy by increasing residence time of drugs having narrow absorption window, demand residence in stomach due to their…

Applications of Polymers in Buccal Drug Delivery

Over the last decades, systemic drug delivery through oral mucosa has received a great deal of attention. Actually buccal mucosa is an attractive route due to its ease of accessibility, rapid efficacy, smooth and relatively immobile…

World Diabetes Day 2024

On the 14th of November is the annual World Diabetes Day. The 2024 - 2026 theme is "Diabetes and Well-being". Millions of people with diabetes around the world do not have access to diabetes care. People with diabetes require ongoing care…

Polymers in Drug Delivery: An Update

Polymers have been an important component in the development of drug delivery systems because of their ability to release active ingredients for a longer period of time without fluctuations in plasma levels. The first polymeric based drug…