Pharma Excipients

News on Pharma Excipients

Lactose Crystalline Monohydrate Family by Kerry

Excipients for direct tabletting, granulation, capsules, sachet filling and inhalation Product Description Lactose Overview Lactose is a disaccharide of glucose and galactose obtained from the whey fraction of bovine milk.…

Outlining Successful Steps for Scale-Up and BLA Filings

In the high-stakes world of microbial biomanufacturing, there are dozens of critical moments and crucial decisions to be made on the path from clinical trials to regulatory approval to commercial manufacturing. Planning and executing both…

Radial die wall pressure measurement

Instrumented die is used to measure maximum die-wall pressure (MDP) and residual die-wall pressure (RDP) during powder compaction. This document from MEDELPHARM aims to provide a methodology to characterize powders with this device.…

Self-Healing Injectable Hydrogels for Tissue Regeneration

Biomaterials with the ability to self-heal and recover their structural integrity offer many advantages for applications in biomedicine. The past decade has witnessed the rapid emergence of a new class of self-healing biomaterials commonly…

Cyclodextrin superstructures for drug delivery

Cyclodextrins, typically known for their molecular encapsulation properties to form inclusion complexes with guests of adequate size and hydrophobicity, have recently been explored in tridimensional supramolecular assemblies. These…