Pharma Excipients

News on Pharma Excipients

Long acting injectables for therapeutic proteins

Biotherapeutic development presents a myriad of challenges in relation to delivery, in particular for protein therapeutics. Protein delivery is complicated due to hydrophilicity, size, rate of degradation in vivo, low permeation through…

Pharmaceutical Applications of Vitamin E TPGS

D-tocopheryl polyethylene glycol succinate (Vitamin E TPGS) has been approved as a safe pharmaceutical adjuvant by FDA, and several drug delivery systems (DDS) based on TPGS have been developed. TPGS properties as a P-gp inhibitor,…

Quality by Design in Pharmaceutical Development

Design and formulation of an ideal pharmaceutical product is a tedious job for a formulator as it comprises multiple objectives. The traditional method followed for years is not only expensive and time-consuming but also needs a lot of…

Soft Robots for the Delivery of Drugs

Miniaturized soft robots compliant to human tissues and organs improve efficiency of drug for both spatial and temporal targeting. Origami robots, sperm robots, nanorobots, robotic capsules, and soft multi-legged robots are some soft robots…