Pain management with transdermal drug administration: A review

Pain management is an urgent issue to solve with complex mechanisms. Localized acute pain requires rapid and accurate delivery of drugs with less distribution in the blood circulation while chronic pain requires controlled release of drugs with long drug retention time.

The transdermal route, a promising way with high patient compliance was known for painless delivery, long drug retention time, stable blood concentration, easily controlled dosage and release rate as well as the fewer side effects. This review presents transdermal route for pain management according to the different sites of action which drugs aim to reach, and illustrates different analgesic mechanisms, dosage forms, transdermal enhancements and clinical applications.

In addition, the review concludes the difference of pain types and presents the future aims of pain management, thereby providing a reference for researches focusing on percutaneous analgesia.

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Article information: Weitong Hu, Qiong Bian, Yanjun Zhou, Jianqing Gao, Pain management with transdermal drug administration: A review, International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Volume 618, 2022, 121696, ISSN 0378-5173,

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