Recent advances in polymer-based nanoformulations for enhancing oral drug delivery in diabetes

Diabetes is a long-term metabolic disorder caused by issues with insulin production or response in the body. This leads to high levels of glucose in the blood, which can cause other health problems. People with diabetes are advised to eat healthily and stay active to manage their blood sugar levels. However, if these lifestyle changes aren’t enough, they may need to take medication. The current oral medications for diabetes have limitations, including poor solubility and low effectiveness. To address these issues, scientists are developing nanoformulations using large molecules.


  • Diabetes is a chronic endocrine and metabolic disorder that results from either defect in insulin secretion or insulin action.
  • Over 541 million people have diabetes, expected to rise to 643 million by 2030 and 783 million by 2045 globally.
  • When diet and lifestyle fail to normalize glucose levels, diabetic patients are forced to start anti-diabetic therapy.
  • Current oral anti-diabetic drugs face major limitations, with poor solubility and low bioavailability affecting their efficacy.
  • Advanced nano-delivery systems can improve the short half-life, solubility, bioavailability and enhance the therapeutic efficacy of clinically important drugs.

These nanoformulations have shown promise in improving the effectiveness of diabetes drugs by making them easier to absorb, reducing the required dosage, and increasing their solubility in water. While, research has shown the potential benefits of nanoformulations, more studies are needed before they can be used in clinical trials and approved for widespread use. This review explores different nanoformulations for treating diabetes and discusses how they could enhance the clinical effectiveness of anti-diabetic medications. Nevertheless, these advancements offer hope for better managing diabetes and reducing its impact on global health.

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Sourbh Suren Garg, Rajlaxmi Dey, Atulika Sharma, Jeena Gupta, Recent advances in polymer-based nanoformulations for enhancing oral drug delivery in diabetes, Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology,
Volume 100, 2024, 106119, ISSN 1773-2247,

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