Evaluation of Topical Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Mentha piperita L. Extract by Formulation of Microemulgel



The present study is designed to develop a novel dosage form i.e. microemulgel which will enhance the rate of absorption in the systemic circulation and ultimately enhance the pharmacological effect of the Mentha piperita L. extract as anti-inflammatory agent. Its primary components include with constituents including menthol (46.32%), menthofuran (13.18%), menthyl acetate (12.10%), menthone (7.42%) and 1,8-cineole (6.06%).

Materials and Methods

The research aimed to formulate and assess herbal microemulgel containing M. piperita extract, focusing on its in vitro anti-inflammatory properties. M. piperita herb extraction was carried out using a hydro-alcoholic solvent, followed by phytochemical analysis. Four separate sets of herbal microemulgel were crafted and underwent a series of assessments, encompassing pH levels, spreadability, viscosity, consistency, appearance, color and ease of washing. Additionally, the in vitro anti-inflammatory potential of both the extract and the microemulgel formulation was assessed using the HRBC membrane stabilization assay and the protein denaturation assay.


The findings of this study suggest that the newly developed herbal microemulgel, enriched with M. Piperita extract, exhibits promising anti-inflammatory effects.


The M. piperita microemulgel exhibited a remarkable 94.35% drug content with high solubility and compatibility of the drug with the excipients. Permeability studies revealed that the M. piperita microemulgel achieved 94% permeability within 48 hr, showcasing enhanced drug permeability facilitated by the microemulsion-based gel system. Moreover, the formulated microemulgel demonstrated significant anti-inflammatory activity. It can be concluded that topical herbal M. piperita microemulgel has potential for future applications in this regard.

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Formulation of microgel

Different batches of microemulgel were formulated by utilizing diverse gelling agents and adjusting their concentrations. 2% M. piperita extract was incorporated into the emulsion. The gelling agents were hydrated in water and pH adjustment was carried out by adding triethanolamine. Afterward, the emulsion was incorporated into the gel and thoroughly stirred to form the microemulgel.8 Isopropyl myristate, Kolliphor PS 80: Transcutol P was gifted by Gattefosse India Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai ,Tween 80, Isopropyl Myristate (IPM), n-butanol, Carbopol 940 and triethanolamine were also purchased from Sigma-chemicals Nagpur. All solvents and materials employed were of analytical grade. Throughout the formulation processes, distilled water was consistently utilized. Microemulgel.

Machewar K, Kakde R, Sabale P. Evaluation of Topical Anti-Inflammatory Potential of Mentha piperita L. Extract by Formulation of Microemulgel. Journal of Young Pharmacists [Internet]. 2024 Aug 23;16(3):488–97. Available from: http://dx.doi.org/10.5530/jyp.2024.16.63

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