Surface tension examination of variousliquid oral, nasal, and ophthalmic dosage forms

Surface tension examination of variousliquid oral, nasal, and ophthalmic dosage forms

Surface tension at the surface-to-air interface is a physico-chemical property of liquid pharmaceutical formulations that are often overlooked. To determine if a trend between surface tension and route of administration exists, a suite of oral, nasal, and ophthalmic drug formulations were analyzed. The surface tension at the surface-to-air interface of the oral formulations studied were in or above the range of the surface tension of gastric, duodenum, and jejunum uids. The range of surface tensions for oral formulations were 36.6–64.7 dynes/cm. Nasal formulations had surface tensions below that of the normal mucosal lining uid with a range of 30.3–44.9 dynes/cm. Ophthalmic OTC formu- lations had the largest range of surface tensions at the surface-to-air interface of 34.3–70.9 dynes/cm; however, all formulations indicated for treatment of dry eye had surface tensions higher than that of normal tears, while those for treatment of red eye had surface tensions below. Therefore, surface tension at the surface-to-air interface of liquid formulations is dependent on the route of administration, environment at site of introduction, and for ophthalmics, what the formulation is indicated for. 

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Surface tension examination of various liquid oral, nasal, and ophthalmic dosage forms
Kimberly Han, Osakpolor E. Woghiren, Ronny Priefer
Open AccessResearch article
First Online: 09 May 2016Received: 10 March 2016Accepted: 28 April 2016
DOI: 10.1186/s13065-016-0176-x
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