TaBlitz™ – Redefining the tablet design process

TaBlitz™ – Redefining and connecting the tablet design process from formulation to manufacturing
The TaBlitz platform is tailored to streamline the pharmaceutical industry’s product development and manufacturing processes. This is achieved through two key features.

Firstly, TaBlitz’s core functionality revolves around the tablet design process, providing users with a real-time engineering guided experience to design their own tablets.

Secondly, the platform boasts an in-app collaboration feature (fully implemented in v1), enabling multiple departments and personnel to collaborate and make real-time adjustments to the tablet design.

Current State
The tablet design process is often disjointed between multiple stake holders. Communication between marketing, formulation experts, tooling manufacturers, and executives becomes a very real hidden cost. Time is wasted through mountains of emails and phone calls. Delays in getting the initial tablet design from the tooling company, coupled with the possibility of revisions or a suboptimal design determination by the tooling company, further prolong the time to market. Then if there are revisions, how do you easily track what version is approved? How can you guarantee the tooling company knows which version they need to produce?


Future State
Through the utilization of TaBlitz, marketing and formulation teams can effectively collaborate to all within one platform to ensure that the final product not only meets visual and engineered expectations, but also adheres to the appropriate dosage and is manufacturable. This is made possible by TaBlitz’s engineering guided design process, which prevents the creation of invalid geometries and alerts users of potential tool wear and breakage conditions.

As a TaBlitz user, you have the ability to create a design and invite other users to collaborate on that specific project. Through the platform’s in-app collaboration feature, you can seamlessly discuss the design and coordinate changes in real time. This facilitates real-time collaboration among marketing, sales, formulation, and tooling manufacturers, all working towards a shared goal.

Real-Time 3D Rendering
TaBlitz provides the marketing team with an interactive 3D representation of the end product during the design phase, enabling them to determine the look and feel of the product. Furthermore, the upcoming releases of bisects and engravings will empower all TaBlitz users to participate in the design process from the outset of product development.

Technical Details for Formulation
During the tablet design process, TaBlitz provides real-time surface area and volume metrics for both the tablet and the cup, which can inform the formulation process in terms of dosage. Additionally, the built-in collaboration feature enables all relevant parties to access this information in real time, allowing it to be displayed alongside each version of the design.

Version Control and Approval – through TaBlitz™ Cards
With the forthcoming release of v1, the production of finalized tablet designs will be significantly streamlined. The TaBlitz card serves as a comprehensive record of a given design, housing all versions and collaboration related to the design in a single location. Within the TaBlitz card, users have the ability to approve a design and restrict access to designated individuals. This approved design can then be shared directly with the tooling manufacturer to ensure they work from the approved version.

Engineering specifications for tooling manufacturers
TaBlitz provides a seamless method for transferring the tablet design to the desired tooling manufacturer, without the need for extraneous communication or tracking of emails. Users can simply share the approved design directly with the manufacturer. Upon receipt of the design, the manufacturer is provided with both a 2D drawing and an engineered representation of the design, which can be used to facilitate efficient and accurate manufacturing processes. This eliminates the risk of quality loss or misinterpretation during the transfer process.


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