Targeted Chemotherapy Delivery via Gold Nanoparticles: A Scoping Review of In Vivo Studies

In the field of oncology, a lot of improvements in nanotechnology creates support for better diagnosis and therapeutic opportunities, and due to their physical and chemical properties, gold nanoparticles are highly applicable. We performed a literature review on the studies engaging the usage of gold nanoparticles on murine models with a focus on the type of the carrier, the chemotherapy drug, the target tumoral tissue and outcomes.

We identified fifteen studies that fulfilled our search criteria, in which we analyzed the synthesis methods, the most used chemotherapy conjugates of gold nanoparticles in experimental cancer treatment, as well as the improved impact on tumor size and system toxicity. Due to their intrinsic traits, we conclude that chemotherapy conjugates of gold nanoparticles are promising in experimental cancer treatment and may prove to be a safer and improved therapy option than current alternatives.

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Article information: Morărașu, Ș.; Iacob, Ș.; Tudorancea, I.; Luncă, S.; Dimofte, M.-G. Targeted Chemotherapy Delivery via Gold Nanoparticles: A Scoping Review of In Vivo Studies. Crystals 202111, 1169.

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