Trehalose SG – For Exosome Production and Storage brochure

Hayashibara Trehalose SG - For Exosome Production and Storage_MSC
Hayashibara Trehalose SG – For Exosome Production and Storage_MSC


Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC)-derived Exosomes

  • Trehalose SG MSC-derived exosomes are attracting attention for their application in regenerative medicine, drug delivery, diagnostics and cosmetics, and the need for a stable supply of exosomes is increasing.
  • The addition of TREHALOSE SG increases the production of MSC-derived exosomes via elevating Rab7 protein level.


Improvement of Production Yield

  • The addition of TREHALOSE SG increases the production of MSC-derived exosomes via elevating Rab7 protein level.
  • The combination of TREHALOSE SG with another supplement is more effective.
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Hayashibara Trehalose SG – For Exosome Production and Storage_Methods


Human adipose-derived MSCs (4×104 cells /2mL/well) were incubated with TREHALOSE SG in Messenchymal stem cell growth medium DXF(TAKARA) for 48 hrs, and exosome marker (CD9, CD63, CD81) positive particles in the culture supernatant were measured by flow cytometer. Effects of TREHALOSE SG were examined alone or in combination with exosome production supplements (EV-UpTM, Fujifilm Wako Pure Chemical Corporation). Rab7 protein levels in MSCs were analyzed by Western blotting using anti-Rab7 antibody (Cell Signaling Technology, Inc.), and calculated relative to the β-actin signal (**p<0.01 vs. TREHALOSE 0 mmol/L).


Improvement of Stability

Addition of TREHALOSE SG improves the stability of exosomes during storage.

Hayashibara Trehalose SG - For Exosome Production and Storage_Improvement Stability
Hayashibara Trehalose SG – For Exosome Production and Storage_Improvement Stability


MSC-derived exosomes were suspended in 1 mL of PBS containing TREHALOSE SG or the other sugars (50
mmol/L), and the number of exosome was measured by flow cytometer after storage at 4℃ or freeze-thaw cycles
(-80℃ to 4℃). Results represent residual rate of exosomes when the number of exosomes before storage was settled
as 100%, and are expressed as the mean and standard deviation of three similar experiments (*p<0.05, **p<0.01 vs.
without sugar or TREHALOSE).


See the full brochure onHayashibara Trehalose SG – For Exosome Production and Storagehere

(click the picture to download the brochure)

Hayashibara Trehalose SG - For Exosome Production and Storage

Source: Hayashibara brochure “Hayashibara Trehalose SG – For Exosome Production and Storage”

Do you need more information or a sample of Trehalose excipients?

Hayashibara ― A world leading supplier of pharmaceutical grade Maltose PH

Hayashibara Trehalose SG - ecovadis22Founded as a starch syrup manufacturer in 1883, Hayashibara has grown into a company with strong research and development expertise, engaging in original and creative research. Utilizing our technological background in biotechnology and in-depth knowledge of saccharide production, Hayashibara became the first company in the world to succeed in the mass production of “Trehalose”, a unique disaccharide recognized as a beneficial excipient for the biopharmaceutical industry. In addition to trehalose, Hayashibara has been supplying for many years other high purity ingredients to the pharmaceutical industry worldwide.



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