Workshops at ExcipientFest 2016

16. March 2016

A Two-Day Educational Experience and Pharma Expo with in-depth Workshops and Education Sessions from Industry’s Top-Excipient Experts

Focused Technical and Regulatory Workshops

  • Overview and updates on new, revised, and in progress IPEC guides
  • Understanding Elemental Impurity Analyses for the Upcoming USP <232/2232/233> Transition
  • EU FMD Risk Assessment – Are You Ready?
  • Excipient Supplier Quality Management
  • Microstructure of Topical Formulations
  • Global Regulatory Perspectives
  • Colorcon Coating School Program

2016 Key Presentation Topics:

Novel Excipients – Technical Innovation – Supplier Management – Research and Development – Biopharmaceutics – EU Guidelines – ANSI Standards – Counterfeiting – New GMP Standards – Traceability – Chemical Screening – Lifecycle Supply – Chain Oversight – Cannabinoid Delivery Technology 



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