Pharma Excipients

Oral Excipients

Any excipient that can be taken through the mouth can be labelled as an oral excipient.

Phospholipids for Advanced OTC Formulations

Phospholipids are amphiphilic, endogenous molecules with excellent biocompatibility and tolerability. Therefore, they are an ideal choice for various “over-the-counter” (OTC) products, including formulations for sensitive tissue such as the ocular surface. Phospholipids can serve as active…

Drug Dissolution in Oral Drug Absorption: Workshop Report

Abstract The in-person workshop “Drug Dissolution in Oral Drug Absorption” was held on May 23–24, 2023, in Baltimore, MD, USA. The workshop was organized into lectures and breakout sessions. Three common topics that were re-visited by various lecturers were amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs),…

Overcoming Challenges of Taste Masking

In a 2003 survey conducted by the American Association of Pediatrics, unpleasant taste was identified as the most significant barrier to completing treatment in pediatrics. Drug taste masking is extremely relevant to improve patient convenience and compliance. It's currently a relevant…