Pharma Excipients

Oral Excipients

Any excipient that can be taken through the mouth can be labelled as an oral excipient.

Boost your drug bioavailability with Labrafac™ MC60

Gattefossé widens its range of high quality, functional excipients for oral bioavailability enhancement with Labrafac™ MC60, glycerol monocaprylocaprate. Labrafac™ MC60 is used for oral bioavailability enhancement of poorly water-soluble, poorly permeable drugs. Glycerol monocaprylocaprate is a…

Nano Spray-Dried Drugs for Oral Administration: A Review

Spray drying is an important technology that is fast, simple, reproducible, and scalable. It has a wide application range, that is, in food, chemicals, and encapsulation of pharmaceuticals. The technology can be divided into conventional spray drying and nano spray drying. The key advantage of nano…