The Transdermal Delivery of Therapeutic Cannabinoids

Recently, several studies have indicated an increased interest in the scientific community regarding the application of Cannabis sativa plants, and their extracts, for medicinal purposes. This plant of enormous medicinal potential has been…

Lipid nanoparticles for ocular drug delivery

This review highlights the application of lipid nanoparticles (Solid Lipid Nanoparticles, Nanostructured Lipid Carriers, or Lipid Drug Conjugates) as effective drug carriers for pathologies affecting the posterior ocular segment. Eye…

Reality augmented by Gattefossé

Augmented reality in oral bioavailability enhancement arena​: ​Labrafac™ MC60​, glycerol monocaprylocaprate ​ Gattefossé widens its range of high quality, functional excipients for oral bioavailability enhancement with Labrafac™ MC60,…