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Refined Sesame Oil IV-1 – White Paper

Introduction to Sesame oil Sesame seeds (Sesamum indicum L.) have been grown in tropical regions throughout the world since prehistoric times. It has been one of the first crops processed for oil production. Sesame oil has been used for healing wounds for thousands of years and is mentioned in the…

Oral Disintegrating Tablets – see the solution landscape

Introduction Oral disintegrating tablets (ODTs) are patient-centric drug delivery systems (for example, for pediatrics, geriatrics, and psychiatric patients with dysphagia) designed to increase patient compliance. ODTs are preferred to classic dosage forms (swallowable / chewable / suckable…

Your visit at CPHI worldwide 2022 in Frankfurt

CPHI worldwide opens its doors again. This year in Frankfurt at the Messe Frankfurt. In two weeks, from 1st to 3rd November, you can finally have a face-to-face chat with visitors and exhibitors again. As usual, InnoPack, P-MEC, FDF, ICSE and BioProduction will be held together with CPHI. The…