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Asahi Kasei

AsahiKASEI Europe launches new website!

AsahiKASEI is pleased to announce the launch of our brand new website! We provide an easy way to learn about our CEOLUS™ products, services and solutions. Asahi Kasei is a leading manufacturer and supplier of functional excipients for pharmaceutical and nutraceutical industries, located in Japan.…

Hyaluronic Acid Nanogel as a Protein Delivery System

Purpose Hyaluronic acid (HA) nanogel has hyaluronic acid in the main chain, a hydrophilic, biocompatible material with low toxicity, and a hydrophobic group in the side chain. A nanoordered gel is spontaneously formed, due to its hydrophilic-hydrophobic interactions, in which it is possible to load…

Impressions of the Excipients Hall at CPhI 2021

Today is the last day of the CPhI worldwide in Milan 2021. We want to show you the general look and feel with a few walkthroughs and photos.Walkthrough Excipients Hall 7 at CPhI 2021 in Milan :Walkthrough Hall P-Mec at CPhI 2021 in Milan: See our interview with beneo at the CPhI 2021…